These sketches show the process of design for a new memorial. The first concept was based on a great many ideas an enthusiastic client gave me, broadly speaking I think we could have worked with this, but it wasn't quite animated enough for her; I came up with the following development
However we both felt this was getting too cluttered and busy, so I drew the next three sketches to try and simplify things a bit in order to illustrate to my client another way of looking at the whole concept that tried to say as much but with less detail.
Blackbirds are an important theme as the deceased was a great fan of these delightful birds
The next sketch was torn from my little travelling sketchbook and drawn in the churchyard of St Michael's Quarley, where I often retreat to for contemplation and inspiration (see post 27th Sept 2011)

After further discussion with my client we finally came up with the design below which we were both very pleased with! This will be carved from Portland stone and is destined for St Mary's Westerham, Kent. The stone will be sourced and supplied by Dorset Stone and Marble; I aim to start carving before Christmas.
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