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Sunday 30 October 2011

Carving a robin in slate

Here is the initial rough sketch of a robin I've decided to carve for my own pleasure.

Shown here drawn out on a piece of Italian slate about 11" x 11" using a white water soluble pencil

For the first stages of roughing out I used a small 3mm tungsten carbide chisel tipped chisel and a zinc alloy dummy (shown in photo's below)

The carving slowly takes shape

Generally I prefer to work upright, with the carving on a easel, but sometimes it is easier to work flat. Especially here where working back the background to the carving

Work in progress, the detailing starting to fall into place The slate now up on the wooden easel, the carving tools clearly seen in these two pictures.

The finished carving out in the Autumn sunlight. The maximum depth of carving is about 5mm. I am particularly pleased with the creepy crawlies in each corner!

A detail of the same, with the light from the opposite direction.

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